Soul Food: 33.
On November 2, 2017 I turned 33.
I enter this year stronger and more confident in who I am as a child of God, a black woman and as a wife. I know the things that are even more important to me and the many, many things I can do without. I am more aware of my triggers, the things that will push me off the edge or take me to a dark mindset and I am fully aware of the things and the times when I need to emerge myself deeper into my community of friends and love ones whenever I'm feeling low. One thing I've especially learned going into my new year is I will fiercely protect my "me time". I never did this before, I would keep going and drain myself because I was expected to but never listening to my own voice when I needed to pause and take a break. Sunday mornings has become my "self-care" time. It could mean writing my thoughts in a journal, talking out loud to God about my day (I love doing this), sleeping in, cleaning with music playing in the background, working out or just going to a walk. Since I've started carving out time for myself, I've noticed change for the better spiritually, emotionally and mentally.
Going forward, I plan to share more of how we can feed our souls. We are in a time and social climate when everyone is talking and no one is listening. How can we take time to listen to our souls and take care of our spiritual, emotional, physical and mental health? I hope you come along with me and find out.
Debbie Dress by Flynn Skye. Photographer: Jessica