Jacket: Free People via Ebay, Carmen Maxi Dress: Yumi Kim
I started this year thinking about why I wanted to focus on my blog more and the answer was so simple: I want to diversify the content I'm seeing and change the game. I want my nieces, my future daughter(s), my girlfriends and their daughters to not have to see the same images everywhere being celebrated and they are left questioning if they too are beautiful. We create so much content daily for the gram and the web and we need to start to appreciate and celebrate women of ALL SIZES and COLORS!
We need to see our diversity and we need to celebrate our differences. It's 2018, we can't praise size 2-4 girls and act like size 12 is the largest size there is. We can't keep putting only white girls in campaigns and ignore that fact that their largest spenders are people of color. In the words of the Queen (and future President, lol) Oprah: "speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have". We need to stretch the space so that everyone is represented AND celebrated. We need to remove the standard by which we compare what is beautiful and what is not. God is such a creative being that He found a way to show His beauty in EVERY human He made. Who are we to say He made someone not beautiful because it's doesn't meet our narrow minded standards?
The thing is, we have the talent and the resources to change the discussion. The time is now and the season has just begun. No more excuses; it's time for execution. You can't take from certain cultures or include them when you feel like it. We all need to apart of a constant dialogue; that changes and evolves as we all do. There is beauty in all of us and we need to see that and embrace it. 2018 is going to be an amazing year, just you wait and see.
Photographer: Jessica